Wednesday 9 October 2013

Shutter Speed

 Shutter Speed

This type of photography is known as Drawing with Light, basically opening the shutter speed for a long time and making lines and images form from using light.

All Following Images were taken with;
IOS- 100
F.Stop- 8-16
Shutter Speed- 13-30 seconds

We started on a 30 second shutter speed and flashed a light every 5 seconds whilst Tom was moving his arms up and down and also moving towards the camera and i thought these images came out really well. Then we did the same with Amy.

We then decided to bring in some props to our images for some fun and too see how well they would come out. We ranged from 13-30 seconds on the shutter speed and also ranged how many images we put on one picture.

Frans Lanting

I really like this image because it gives off a strong structure even though the image is blurred because of the slow shutter speed. You can tell exactly what the image is of because the way the light is hitting the animal, i just really like this image because i personally think this image is asthetically pleasing.

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