Wednesday 9 October 2013

Task 2- Artist Research & Photographic Genres



- This type of photography is usually found in magazines and newspapers, it is used to advertise a particular topic or story which is being published.

Tom Stoddart

^ this is a fine example of photojournalism, the black and white instantly puts a sad/depressed sort of emotion onto the image, also the artist decided too put a man in the image clearly carrying a large bag of food, whilst the starving child has nothing, making you feel even more saddened. This photo is quite clearly too make people feel bad about poverty and the situation in some countries are, more than likely to make people donate money and help by attacking their conscience. 

Editorial Photography

- This type of photography is the photography that appears in newspapers and magazines that is NOT advertising photography. It is financed by the newspaper/magazine, not by their advertisers. It can be in any genre (photojournalism, fashion, portrait, sports, landscape etc.)

This is a example of editorial photography, which isn't advertising anything too purchase, it is just using a image too illustrate a editorial story. This is a Bryan Regan piece of photography.

Commercial / Advertising Photography

- This type of photography is everywhere, its on tv, in newspapers, magazines, posters and many other things... Its used to advertise products.

This is an example of commercial photography as it is trying to sell their car onto members of the public and where this picture is placed on a billboard on a big scale, a lot of people would see this so there is more of a chance of this product being sold rather than the car only being sitting in a car shop waiting for people too come and see it.

Portrait Photography

- This type of photography is simply photography of a person or a group of people, where the main focus would be on the face(s).

Ludovic Taillandier
This is a really good example of portrait photography, simply because it is just an image of a face (portrait) so there isn't really anywhere else for you to look. I really like how he's used the light with the water to give the image a shiny shimmery effect.

Fine Art Photography

- This type of photography can really be pictures of anything, it doesn't matter if its a face, body, car, house, item, or any other subject matter, it is completely what the artist/photographer wants. It is commonly used for wall art and decoration.

Timothy Wolcott

This is a beautiful example of Fine Art Landscape photography, its perfectly lit, the angle and positioning of the photographer has clearly been thought about, and the cool calm water with the reflection in, i think makes the image even more capturing and aesthetically pleasing.

Abstract Photography

- This type of photography is like abstract art, Abstract photography concentrates on shape, form, colour, pattern and texture. The viewer is often unable to see the whole object. The focus is often only a small part of it. Viewers of an abstract shot may only know the essence of the abstraction or understand it by what is implied. Normally the object or image will not be a literal view of the subject. The subject tends to come second to seeing.

Darren Rose

This is a perfect example of abstract photography, its got the contrasting colours, a smooth unbalanced texture and unexplainable obvious reason for the image. Even though this would be a easy photo to set up and take, i really like how simple the image is, but yet its still so capturing and good to look at.

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